<> = Setup for Fabric Deployment = This will describe the setup required on one's personal (e.g. laptop) machine, so that it may be used for Fabric deployment. See [[Deployment/ServerMachinePrep]] for info on setting up the "target" machine, to which things are to be deployed. == Python == You should already have [[https://www.python.org/|Python]] installed. As of this writing, it should be version 3.6 or greater, but latest available is best. == Virtual Environment == You must decide where you'd like virtual environments to live, on your personal machine. Perhaps you already have a place for them, or perhaps this is the only one you'll need and you really don't care. If the latter then may we suggest for simplicity: * `/srv/envs` on Linux * `C:\envs` on Windows Basically all docs and generated code will assume `/srv/envs` as the location for this, e.g. on target machines. Once you have a spot picked out then cd to it and make a virtual environment. We'll call it "myfabenv" here but please use whatever name makes sense in your context. (You might call it "theo" if you just need to [[Theo/ServerSetup|deploy a Theo server]].) {{{ cd /srv/envs python3 -m venv myfabenv }}} == Fabric Packages == When installing packages, you must be sure to "activate" your virtual environment, e.g.: {{{ cd /srv/envs/myfabenv source bin/activate }}} Then the basics can be had with: {{{ pip install rattail-fabric2 }}}